Ben Smith

Ben Smith is a self-taught, independent perfumer who has cultivated a deep understanding of aroma through a depth of lived experience and rigorous experimentation. Based in Portland, OR, Ben discovered the world of fragrance after years of honing his palate as a gourmand and wine enthusiast. A skilled chef who began cooking for his family at a very young age, Ben has an innate proficiency of flavor and aroma, which naturally extends into the art of perfumery.

Ben’s friends often describe him as impractically generous and a true Renaissance man: Equal parts scientist, engineer, artist, craftsman, and caretaker. His broad skill set informs his unique and experimental approach to creating fragrances, where precision, harmony, and sustainability converge.

Mr. Smith launched his brand Commune on the principle that wearing thoughtfully crafted perfume is an act of radical self-kindness. Engaging with and stimulating our sense of smell with beautiful ingredients for the sheer purpose of joy and self-love is truly radical. 
*fragrances listed for reference only, not sold at Fumerie

CANOPY Commune
DISKO Commune

Explore Commune’s Maker’s Residency Page here

image and bio via Commune Parfum