Amélie Jacquin

Imagine spending time in Grasse at a young age, surrounded by the scents of jasmine, rose, lavender and oleander. This was the childhood of Amélie Jacquin, who grew up exploring flowers in the region and smelling fragrances with her mother. These moments were the inspiration that led her to perfumery. Living in Paris, Amélie finds inspiration around the city where she believes “everything is possible”. She’s an expert at transforming the young vibrancy of the city into perfume— whether it’s a new trendy restaurant that inspire unique fragrant compositions or an art exhibition that makes her want to craft scents in certain colours. Discoveries linked to travel are her passion– whether it’s flowers or plants, people or landscapes, food or culture – these unique experiences awaken her olfactive imagination. “I return from each destination with a desire to translate what I have seen, tasted and smelt into perfume.”

ISLAND LUSH Goldfield & Banks

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